Power Pet Door

How to Replace the Main Board

Main Board Replacement

Pet Door Board Replacement Instructions

This procedure is best done by someone with a little prior experience in installing circuit board such as within your computer or other electronics.

  1. Remove door from wall and lay flat on carpeting or towels, with the inside of the door facing down.

  2. Remove all the screws, keeping separate the six larger flat head screws located toward the top of the door. Separate and remove the backing frame from the door.

  3. Locate the green circuit board at the top of the door. Using needle nose pliers, remove the two connectors from the board, taking care not pull on the wires themselves, and not to crush the connector body with too much clamp force. The large black connector has a plastic latch in the center of one side that has to be depressed as shown below while disconnecting. 4 Remove the four board mounting screws and lay them aside from the other screws in the frame.
  4. Carefully lift the very top edge of the board top and pry off the hidden adjustmen knobs allowing them to drop beneath the door. Then remove the board completely from the door.

Note 1: There will be some resistance to lifting the edge of the board until the knobs are free.

Note 2: lnsure all five plastic pushbuttons are still centered in their respective holes of the door panel.

  1. Carefully position the replacement board without disturbing the plastic pushbuttons and secure with two of the four screws.

CAUTION: Do not over-tighten the four mounting screws. Slightly snug is all that is required.

  1. Peek under the door to see that all the buttons are still in place and to collect the two adjustment knobs. Finish the rest of the screws, again making sure to tighten gently.

  2. Attach the two connectors and insure that none of the pins are pushed back out of the connector shell during this process. lf necessary use a small flat-blade screwdriver to reseat the pins in the shell.

  3. Re-attach the backing frame to the door, using all of the removed screws.

CAUTION: Do not over-tighten the pan-head screws - moderately snug is sufficient.

  1. Re-install the two adjustment knobs with the pointers properly oriented as follows.
  • A. Turn the door over and look in the knob holes to locate the hexagon receptacle for the knob shafts.
  • B. One at a time press the knob into its receptacle just enough to engage, and then gently turn the knob clockwise until it reaches its rotational limit.
  • C. Remove the knob and re-insert it gently in the receptacle with the pointer of the knob now pointing to approximately the MAX setting. Then turn the knob fully counter-clocwise and confirm the pointer is approximately at the MIN setting. lf not, repeat this step with slightly more insertion and rotation force.
  • D. Finally, press on the knobs until they are fully seated.
    NOTE: It is recommended that you check the operation of the door prior to re-installing in the following manner.
    • a. Lean door against a wall, plug in the power supply, press the ON button and press the OPEN button, insuring the door opens and closes normally.
    • b. Enable only the inside sensor and using a working collar, insure the door opens from the inside.
    • c. Enable only the outside sensor turn the door around and insure the door opens from the outside.
  1. Re-install the working door.

NOTE: With the new board, do not use the maximum setting on either the inside or outside settings. Always back off the knob by about 15 to 20 degrees from maximum.