Power Pet Door


App Setup


The Power Pet Door App enables you to remote control and configure your pet door. Enable / disable the ssensors, and configure timers to control the sensors automatically on a schedule that best fits your lifestyle. WiFi technology allows you to do this from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection.

Download the App:

Creating an account

To create an account, tap "Create an Account" and fill out the form. Doublecheck your email address and wwhen you're ready, tap submit.

Logging in to your account

If you already have an account, you may tap "Login" and enter your email address and password. Tap submit to be logged in.

If you do not have an account, see Creating an account to learn how to create one.

App Intro

When you first open the app, you will automatically be taken to a slideshow featuring an overview of the app. Swipe through this slideshow and you will automatically be taken to the next section.

Setup your door

The initial door setup requires that you be connected to the same WiFi that your door will be connected to, and that the pet door be plugged into AC power and powered on.

Once the door is powered on and your phone is connected to your WiFi, tap "Next" to begin the door setup process.

Scanning For Your Door

The Power Pet Door App will automatically scan for your door using Bluetooth. If after some time it does not find your door, make sure you have your phone's bluetooth is enabled and that the door is receiving power and functioning when you press a button on the front panel.

The Power Pet Door App will automatically scan for your door using Bluetooth. If after some time it does not find your door, make sure you have your phone's bluetooth is enabled and that the door is receiving power and functioning when you press a button on the front panel.

Once the app has located and connected to your door, you will automatically be taken to the WiFi setup portion of the app.

Configure WiFi

NOTE: The WiFi Power Pet Door supports ONLY 2.4Ghz Wireless Internet Connections (802.11 b/g/n) it does NOT support 5Ghz WiFi

To configure your door's WiFi, you must have your WiFi Name (SSID) and password. The app will do it's best to auto-detect your WiFi SSID, but in some cases it may not be able to autofill that field and you must type it in manually. Both the SSID AND the Password **ARE** case sensitive, so doublecheck both when typing these in.

High Tech Pet is not able to retrieve or reset your WiFi password for you. You may need to contact your internet provider or local tech support professionals to assist in the event that you do not know your WiFi information.

After you input your SSID and WiFi password, tap "Submit" and your door will connect to your WiFi. If this is successful, the app will automatically take you to the next step. If after 1 minute you are still waiting for the door to connect, doublecheck your WiFi information and try again. Pay extra attention to the capitalization of both the SSID and Password, as both of these are case sensitive.

Configure Door Settings


You are able to give your door a name to personalize your door. This may make it easier to identify if you have multiple doors.


You are able to input a location that your door is at. This is to help you to identify the door if you have doors in multiple locations.

Room Name

The room name is used to help identify the door and allows you to store which room the door is installed in.


The timezone is required for the door's WiFi features to function. This is used to keep the time accurate and controls the timers. To read more about timers, see the [Timers](#setuptimers) section.

Door Hold Time

The WiFi Power Pet Door features a configurable holdup time just like the original Power Pet Door. This setting controls how long the door remains open during a single cycle. It can be set to 2, 4, 6, or 8 seconds.

Allow Pet To Keep Door Open

Many pets prefer sitting in front of the door, which will trigger the door even when the pet does not want to go outside. You may choose to have the door automatically close if this behavior is detected. The default setting is to close the door after 1 minute of your pet idling in front of the door.

Safety Settings

The WiFi Power Pet Door features advanced safety features to help keep your pets safe.

  • Auto Retract Feature
  • With Auto Retract enabled, the Power Pet door will automatically detect when there is an obstruction preventing the door from closing and will lift the door back up to allow the obstruction to pass through the door.
  • Timer Override Safety Lock
  • The Timer Override keeps your pet safe by forcing the outside sensor on, so your pet is always allowed back inside.


The WiFi Power Pet Door has the ability to notify you based on sensor activity, as well as when the battery gets low.

There are several settings for sensor notifications, including:

  • Notify When My Door's Battery is Low
  • Notify When Pet goes Outside
  • Notify When Pet wants Out but sensor is disabled
  • Notify When Pet comes Inside
  • Notify When Pet wants In but sensor is disabled

Low Battery Notification

A low battery notification can be sent when the battery is approaching the low level. It will still function for a few hours, but you should charge the battery soon.

When the battery is urgently low, you will receive a notification telling you this, and you should charge the battery immediately.

Pet Motion Notifications

The WiFi Power Pet Door can notify you when your pet interacts with the sensors on the inside or outside of the door.

Notify when pet goes outside

When your pet triggers the inside sensor, you can receive a notification letting you know that your pet has just opened the door from the inside. Usually this means your pet has gone outside.

Notify when pet comes inside

When your pet triggers the outside sensor, you can receive a notification letting you know that your pet has just opened the door from the outside. Usually this means your pet has come back inside.

Notify when pet tries to go outside but sensor is disabled

When your pet triggers the inside sensor, but the sensor is disabled, you can receive a notification letting you know that your pet has just triggered the sensor but the door did not open. Usually this means your pet wants to go outside.

Notify when pet tries to come inside but sensor is disabled

When your pet triggers the outside sensor, but the sensor is disabled, you can receive a notification letting you know that your pet has just triggered the sensor but the door did not open. Usually this means your pet wants to come back inside.

Share access to your door

The WiFi Power Pet Door allows your entire family to have remote control access to your pet door. Simply set the door up as normal, and then navigate to the "Share Door Access" screen.

Note: To share your door with somebody, they must create an account before you will be able to invite them to access your door.

Tap the three dot menu to access the "Share" button

Accessing a shared door

If you are accessing a shared door, you can connect to it by navigating to "My Doors" and finding the door under "Shared Doors." Tap "Connect" to connect to the door. You can now remote control the door.

(image of navigating to my doors, connecting, back to remote screen)

App Screens


The Home screen lets you know the current status of the door, as well as the latest news from High Tech Pet Products.

My Doors

The My Doors screen lets you connect to doors that you own or that are shared with you.

Remote Control

The Remote Control screen lets you press every button on the panel of the door, allowing you to control the sensors, enable or disable timers, open the door, and even turn the entire door on and off.


The Timers screen allows you to set the times that your dog will be allowed in or out, for each day of the week. The timers are repeated each day of the week, but you have the ability to customize each day separately, and can change them from anywhere and at any time.


The Help screen gives you access to documentation on your Power Pet Door that explains every detail, from installing the door in your sliding glass door or wall, to setting up and configuring the app.

(Each section features an image of the screen in the topic name)

Setting up Timers

The WiFi Power Pet door supports timers that allow you to schedule when your pet is allowed in or out. You can set the timers on a per sensor basis, which lets you control when your pet can come in separately from when your pet can go outside.

The timer functionality will automatically control the inside and outside sensors. You will see the sensors turn on and off as the times are reached, and the automatic timers will override any manual button presses.

Timers can be configured for every day of the week. Tap the "+" Icon to add a new timer, or tap any of the days to edit an individual day.

When creating a new timer, you may apply these to any number of days. Selecitng days that currently have timers will overwrite those day's existing timers. All selected days will share the same timers.

To add a timer allowing your pet to go outside, tap and drag along the top half of the timer bar. Similarly, to add a timer allowing your pet to come inside, tap and drag along the bottom half of the timer bar.

After adding a timer, you can tap on the on or off time in the list below to modify it precisely.

When you are finished setting up your timers, tap "Save" to send the configuration to the pet door.

Remote Controlling Your Door

The Remote Control screen acts just like the front panel of your door.

You can turn the door on or off by pressing the power button.

You can open the door by pressing the open button.

You can enable or disable timers by pressing the timers button.

You can enable or disable the Inside Sensor by pressing the inside button.

You can enable or disable the Outside Sensor by pressing the outside button.

You can hold the door open by pressing the "Hold open" button.

The live status of your door is displayed on the bottom left of the Remote screen. The actual position of the panel is displayed in real time as the door opens or closes.

Adding Additional Doors

You can control any number of WiFi Power Pet doors with the Power Pet Door App.

Simply navigate to "My Doors" and tap the "+" button in the upper right of the screen.

Follow the steps in Setup your Door to set up additional doors.

Viewing In-App Notifications

In the Notification center, you can view the notifications for the Power Pet Door app. These may be notifications that somebody has shared a door with you, that you have completed setting up a door, or even notifications of High Tech Pet promotions.

The notifications screen is a list of the most recent notifications for your account.

You can slide the notification to the left to expose the "Mark Read" button

You can slide the notification to the right to expose the "Delete" button

Changing your user information

You may navigate to the profile edit screen at any time by tapping on your initials in the top left hand corner of the main menu.

Updating First or Last Name

Updates to your first or last name take effect immediately after tapping "Save Changes"

Updating your Email Address

Updates to your email address require a confirmation to be sent to the previous address on file. After the email address change is confirmed, the process is complete and you may use the new address to log in if needed.

About Push Notifications

The Power Pet Door app uses push notifications to notify you of your pet's activity, as well as to notify you of other door events such as the battery being low, or your pet trying to get in or out when the sensors are disabled.

All of these notifications can be individually enabled or disabled in the Notifications Setup screen.

Disable Push Notifications

You can completely disable push notifications for the app by tapping the gear icon in the main menu to navigate to the app settings, and toggling push notifications off.

Proceed to Pet Collar Operating Instructions